
Theology & Philosophy

Encouraging curiosity is at the heart of Theology and Philosophy.

We encourage pupils to think critically and to examine the world in which they live.

We explore philosophical and ethical issues where value and reward are placed on a pupil’s thinking, not on the regurgitation of fact. We aim to reflect on personal beliefs, both spiritual and secular, and to encourage tolerance and understanding.

We celebrate the diverse world views found in our community whilst seeking to understand the importance of our School’s foundation and ensuring that pupils have a sound knowledge of our cultural heritage. We examine different approaches to truth in the main world faiths and encourage pupils to develop their listening skills, learning from others through discussion.

The rich Theology and Philosophy experience is further enhanced through visits, guest speakers, the study of religious literature and current affairs, music and art and multi-media presentations. We have welcomed A Level pupils from St Paul’s School to talk to our pupils on Feminism/Sexism and Philosophy.

The Theology and Philosophy course aims to help pupils make wise choices during their time at school, and outside in the wider community in their lives beyond the classroom.

Clubs and Enrichment

Our monthly ‘Thinking Breakfast’ club provides opportunities for our older pupils to discuss ethical dilemmas and topical issues over croissants and hot chocolate.


Buddhist Monk speaking to Upper Second Year pupils
Thinking Breakfast
St Paul's pupils teaching Philosophy to Lower Third Year pupils
St Paul's pupils teaching Philosophy to Lower Third Year pupils
Lower First Year trip to Holy Trinity Barnes
Upper Third Year trip to Sackler Institute
It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.
Albert Einstein