
Clubs – Age 7-13

We offer a wealth of activity and challenge for our pupils alongside the curriculum, as well as within it.

As you would expect, our regular extra-curricular activities include sport, art, music and drama, but there are also more unusual clubs and societies that cater for a wide range of interests across the age range.

In sport alone there are dozens of clubs, catering for all abilities, ranging from football to water polo. We have an orchestra, three choirs and numerous ensembles for those who enjoy music. Further clubs include Art, Chess, Classics, Coding, Debating, Engineering, F1 in Schools, French games, The Greenpower Goblin Car, Green Team (allotment and environmental), History, Lego, Politics, Science, and Youth Theatre. The initiative, interest and enthusiasm of both pupils and staff are such that new clubs and societies are always bubbling up.

Clubs and Activities

History Society
In Scriptum Veritas
Debating Club
Code Club
1509 Magazine
Green Team
Geog Soc
French Games
Minimus Club
Science Club
Running Club
Lego Club
Crossword Club
Badminton Club
Sudoku Club
Rackets Club
Natural History Club
History and Politics Society
Indoor Cricket Club
Jewish Assembly
Football Club
Dungeons and Dragons Club
Crossword Club
Fencing Club
Chess Club
Engineering Club
Basketball Club
Table Tennis Club
Swimming Squad
Thinking Breakfast
Touch Rugby
SciFi Reading Club
Art Club
Yoga and Mindfulness Club
Canasta Club